Gestural Abstraction


Mind The Gap


Collection III - Wallpaper Collectables

Mind The Gap’s Gestural Abstraction wallpaper is an abstract style wallpaper that features black brushstrokes and gold splashes and stripes, set against a white background.

This digitally printed wallpaper mural is sold in a single roll with 3 drops. Each drop is cut to a length of 3m and the width is 52cm. Individual drops are labeled A, B, and C for ease of hanging. Each drop is designed to be hung in sequence to form a panel that is 156cm meters wide.

Black, White, GoldBlack, White, Gold

Availability: In stock


Was: $277.01

Now: $221.61

Summer Sale - Save up to 25% on Mind The Gap Wallpapers - (Cannot be combined with any other offer)

Order confidently, knowing you can return it within 90 days for a full refund (including any leftover rolls).